You know being wanted is a great feeling. At least, most days it is, but recently my school has been using me more and more and my schedule is so full it's about to burst in my face. Before my schedule was fine; three days off, work two hours on Thursday, five on Friday, eight on Saturday and seven in half on Sunday. Now though it's Summer Intensive so I work every day. Sure it's not too bad because it's only 2 hours extra on Monday-Wednesday, those aren't the problem. It's Thursday, that is the killer day.
On Thursday I usually got to teach Kindergarden at Kids Castle (a school that hired me through Aston), but the bad thing about this school is its quite far from everything. I only teach for one hour (three classes: two classes full of 3 year olds and another class full of 4-5 year olds). After I teach from 3-4pm I race to do promotions, which are quite far and require a taxi to get too. The promotion is also only an hour, which usually is fine because I get to go home afterward. But not anymore. Now after promotions that end at 5:30pm I have to race back to school and teach a Topic Class from 6-8pm! This means that I would have 30 minutes to get to school, print out everything, and rest. That's just crazy (every other day is fine because I have time to breath, but my Topic Class is really popular sometimes I have 20 students, so making a lesson and being prepared takes a lot of work!)
So I am going to ask my school if the Kindergarden classes can be given to another teacher (who isn't doing Summer Intensive and has three days off and already teaches at the school in the morning). But of course, because it's China, I have to go through six different people before I can speak to the Chinese Manager (drives me crazy sometimes).
I dislike when China overloads me with things just because I am white, the other foreign teachers are just as good as me and just as qualified. Yes, I understand that a black man/woman going into a classroom full of Chinese babies is traumatic at first (the kids will scream and cry), but after some time the kids will realize he/she isn't going to eat them or kill them and eventually have fun with them.
Sometimes I don't think my school realizes that I am LEAVING in less than two months (42 days!) and the teachers that are here are going to be their only options for classes. I say get them to practice now, so when the time comes they aren't making as many mistakes!
UGH! That sucks! I think you are so right that they need to start taking over your classes. I think it's hilarious that they are afraid of black people. That is odd/sad/weird, but hilarious.